TOK: Personal Perspective


We all have our own personal perspective that’s shaped by our culture, our surrounding, the influence from the others and all of the knowledge that we gained. This week in class we discussed about the different culture perspective. People from different countries, which have different cultures, can have different perspective including things like table manners and the way of talking.

But of course culture is not the only thing that affects our perspective. For example, I am 16 years old girl, and my age and my gender affect how I view the world. The perspective of a boy is very different from the perspective of the girl. A boy might be more interested in sports, cars and gaming while a girl will probably more likely to be interested in clothes, shopping and arty things. Same as the age, as we grow up, we gain more knowledge which can change our perspective. A child might view the world in a much simpler way while adults view the world in a much complicated way. Another example is our environment. I grew up in China so my mother tongue is Chinese but I am actually an American. My dad is from Taiwan and my mother is from Malaysia. Because the cultures in those four countries are so different, I need to get use to every culture and get familiar with those languages. And this makes my viewing of the world wider and makes my perspective more diverse from others.

So my perspective is affected and influence by many different factors such as age, gender, language, environment, and culture.

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